Service Bulletin Description:
Will Not Run Cycle and/or GFCI Ground Fault Failure
This Service Bulletin PDF download contains information for the following:
WETLV27HW* WGT4027HW* WGTLV27HW* WTW4616FW* WTW4655JW* WTW4816FW* WTW4850HW* WTW4855HW* WTW4950HW* WTW4955HW* WTW5010L* WTW5015L* WTW5057L* WTW5100H* WTW5105H* WTW6120H* MVW4505M* MVW5035M* MVW5430M* MVW6200K* MVW6230H* MVW6230RH* MVW7230H* MVWC465HW* MVWC565FW* NTW4516FW* NTW4519JW*
The PDF may also contain information that applies to additional models not listed.