Service Bulletin Description:
It is possible that service technicians will not be able to enter the Service Test Mode routine through the service diagnostics mode instructions in the tech sheet..
This Service Bulletin PDF download contains information for the following:
WED560LH*1 WED6620H*1 WGD560LH*1 WGD6620H*1 WHD560CH*0 YWED560LH*1 YWED6620H*1 YWHD560CH*0 WED560LH*2 WED5620H*1 WED5620H*2 WED8620H*2 WGD5620H*2 WGD8620H*2 WHD862CH*1 YWED5620H*2 YWED8620H*2 MED6630H*2 MGD5630H*2 MGD8630H*2 YMED6630H*2 NGD5800H*2 YIED5900H*2 WED6620H*2 WGD560LH*2 WGD6620H*2 WHD560CH*1 YWED560LH*2 YWED6620H*2 YWHD560CH*1 WED8620H*1 WGD5620H*1 WGD8620H*1 WHD862CH*0 YWED5620H*1 YWED8620H*1 MED5630H*1 MED5630H*2 MED8630H*1 MED8630H*2 MGD6630H*1 MGD6630H*2 MED6630H*1 MGD5630H*1 MGD8630H*1 YMED6630H*1 YMED5630H*1 YMED8630H*1 NED5800H*1 YNED5800H*1 YMED5630H*2 YMED8630H*2 NED5800H*2 NGD5800H*1 YNED5800H*2 YIED5900H*1
The PDF may also contain information that applies to additional models not listed.