Service Bulletin Description:
Unit will not operate. F2 E2 error code displayed, indicating a loss of communication between the user interface and main control.
This Service Bulletin PDF download contains information for the following:
ADB1500A* KDFE104D* ADB1700A* KDFE204E* IUD7555D* KDTE104E* IUD8555D* KDTE204E* JDB9800C* KDTE254E* KDFE103D* KDTM354E*KDTM384E* KDTM404E* KDTM504E* KDTM704E* KDTM804E* MDB4949S*MDB5969S* MDB6949S* MDB7949S* MDB7969S* MDB8959S* MDB8969S*MDB8979S* WDF560S* WDF760S* WDF770S* WDT720P* WDT750S*WDT780S* WDT920S* WDT970S* WDT995S* WDTA50S* WDTA75S*
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